Christ The Restorer Ministry paid for my room (at a hotel) for one week. They helped me get my bill caught up so I wouldn’t be evicted.


We were sleeping in our car for weeks. Christ The Restorer Ministry paid for a week at an Extended Stay. This helped my Mom, Dad and the rest of my family (two teenage daughters) to have a roof over our head; we are very grateful.


I am a single mother with four children ages three to eleven. I am unemployed and me and my children have been struggling for six to seven years. We had no family support. I am living in a shelter and must transport the kids to their school which is an hour away. Christ The Restorer ministry prayed for us. They helped us with a car payment, gas, food and other necessities. God bless Christ The Restorer ministry.


Christ The Restorer ministry provided a place for me to stay so that I wouldn’t be on the street.


Christ The Restorer Ministry met our need for shelter by paying for our family of five to live in an extended stay for several weeks. We would have had to sleep in our vehicle if it weren’t for Christ The Restorer ministry. They provided prayer and budget counseling to help us manage our money.


Christ The Restorer Ministry kept a roof over my head during the winter storm. They paid for several week’s shelter at a hotel. They encouraged me with counseling and helped me get a job.


Christ The Restorer ministry provided prayer, counseling and assistance with shelter.


Christ The Restorer ministry helped me with my rent. They provided the balance due when I wasn’t working. Now I have a job and I’m able to pay my rent. Praise God.
