- Goal Progress – $2236
Goal: $10,000
Our Participants

Apostle Art and Anneta Parris
Goal: $2,000.00
Testimony: Spiritual Leaders of Christ The Restorer Ministry. Leading and growing this Ministry has been an Awesome privilege given to us by God. There is no greater service than restoring God’s children. Help us provide homes for the homeless and watch God move in your life as well.
- Goal Progress – $690

Gatewood Family
Goal: $1,000
Testimony: We support Christ The Restorer Ministry because of the great work that the Ministry does caring for the homeless and restoring lives.
- Goal Progress – $635

Williams Family
Goal: $1,000
Testimony: The Williams Family has been a part of Christ The Restorer Ministry for over 5 years. It is our desire that no one has to live outdoors nor in their cars. Through the Grace of God and continual prayers we will achieve this goal.
- Goal Progress – $405

Byrd Family
Goal: $2,000
Testimony: During the year 2016-2017 our entire family faced homelessness. We are so extremely grateful to the members of Christ The Restorer Ministry. This Ministry assisted our family with several teams willing to get us back on track. We were assigned a budget/finance team, a Spiritual team and achievable goals to aim for. We can’t thank this Ministry enough. This is why we give back. We are the hope so many are seeking and with your help we can help many more homeless individuals to a better life.
- Goal Progress – $

Missionary Viviran Jackson
Goal: $500
Testimony: Christ The Restorer Ministry is committed and determined to help individuals and families improve their standard of living.
- Goal Progress -$50
Testimony: Christ The Restorer Ministry gives hope to the homeless. We restore their dignity and their self esteem by encouraging them, giving them training and supplying housing, and other needs. Help us to help more of those who are homeless in our communities.
- Goal Progress –

Team Vi
Goal: $500
Testimony: I love the fact that Christ The Restorer Ministry cares about people. I have witnessed, over the years, so many people that this Ministry has blessed with shelter, food, clothing, rental assistance and so much more. I would like for us to help this Ministry to continue to serve God through serving people.
- Goal Progress – $140

The Yikealo Family
Goal: $1,000
Testimony: We support and love Christ The Restorer Ministry because of their love and passion for Jesus and people. They serve the community with joyful hearts and help to restore many families.
- Goal Progress –

Swan Family
Goal: $500
Testimony: My family and I are happy to be a part of this great Ministry that helps to provide so many needs for those who are homeless. It give us great pleasure to continue to support CTRM as they do even greater work in our Communities
- Goal Progress –

Jones Bradshaw Clan
Goal: $1,000.00
Testimony: Jesus said to go and spread the Good News! There are souls that have yet to be touched. We still have folks that are “homeless” and need to be brought home under the covenant of our Lord and Savior! Yes they need shelter and we thank you for helping us to supply shelter and other vital needs. CTRM also helps to guide those who have not been able to make their way “back home”. We bring back The Lambs that are lost.
- Goal Progress – $30

Stephanie Hart Family & Friends
Goal: $1,000
Testimony: I’m Stephanie Hart and this is my daughter. Being a former single parent of 4, working full time plus overtime, I was left with the task of raising my children, all while going to school 4 hours a night for 4 nights a week, working 52 hours a week. I know what it’s like to give your all and still come up lacking. BUT GOD! If you look at me and my daughter today, we look like the ones that didn’t come up in the struggle. Ohhh YES we did! Ministries just like Christ The Restorer Ministry made the SACRIFICE of their time, energy, and personal resources to help me and my children. The compassion and LOVE of the heart of Jesus was their driving force! That’s why I am setting my goal to support this ministry! They’re yielding their lives and hard work to be the hands and the feet of JESUS CHRIST to help house, feed, clothe, and minister prayer and mentoring to heads of household. To God Be The Glory!
- Goal Progress $20

The Wright Sisters
Goal: $1,000
Testimony: Being a volunteer with Christ The Restorer Ministry makes you feel good knowing that you are helping someone and making a difference in their life. The individuals and families that we help get to hope again.
- Goal Progress – $

The Tuckers
Goal: $1,000
Testimony: There are many in need. Some who sleep in the woods so that no one calls the police to get them removed from the property in the middle of the night, some who sleep in parking lots or under bridges, some who live out of their vehicles with elderly parents and children crammed inside, many of these people just need a little help and for someone to be attentive to their needs.
We sleep outside once a year so that we never forget what others of us end up going through. You don’t realize how empty and alone you feel until you have nothing and no one’s willing to prop you back up on your feet.
- Goal Progress – $125

Gordon Family
Goal: $1,000
Testimony: We thank God for blessing our family over the years with long life, favor and prosperity. We are happy to be able to give back to those who are in need. May the Good Lord continue to increase Christ The Restorer Ministry to do even Greater Works. It is much needed in the United States and many other parts of the world.
- Goal Progress -$20

The Parris Family
Goal: $1,000.00
Testimony: The Parris Family stands in support of Christ The Restorer Ministry primarily because of their deep passion to address the needs of the Homeless. We believe the Night of Compassion – Night In A Vehicle Event is a Fantastic Way to heighten the awareness of the crisis of Homelessness not just within the Peach State of Georgia, but throughout our nation and the world at large.
- Goal Progress – $

The DePass Thomas Family
Goal: $500
Testimony: Our family supports Christ The Restorer Ministry because they change lives.
- Goal Progress –

Heart of the Matter - Emory St Joseph Hospital
Goal: $1,500
Testimony: We are sleeping out in our cars to support Christ the Restorer Ministry in their efforts to make certain no one has to experience homelessness. CTRM we love you!!!
- Goal Progress – $

Shepherd's Hope
Goal: $500
Testimony: I support Christ the Restorer Ministry because of the great need. I’ve seen how well the ministry serves homeless individuals and families with heartfelt emergency housing assistance and basic needs. Interim stability is the initial step toward the ultimate goal of restored self-sustainability.
- Goal Progress –

#Apostle Tia - Crazy Wild Freedom Global
Goal: $1000
Testimony: Tenacious, Humbled, Unapologetic God-Fearing Servants
- Goal Progress – $41

The Simmons and Pitmon Family
Goal: $1000
Testimony: We support Christ The Restorer Ministry because we believe God has equipped us to be the extension of Jesus here on earth to remind others of Faith, Hope and Love.
- Goal Progress – $

The Tighman Family
Goal: $1000
Testimony: We are happy to support this Ministry that works to restore the homeless and to prevent homelessness. Christ The Restorer Ministry is making a big difference in the lives of those in need in our communities.
- Goal Progress

Vessels Of Glory Inc
Goal: $1,000.00
Testimony: Vessels Of Glory supports the magnificent work that Christ The Restorer Ministry is doing to address the crisis of homelessness in Metro Atlanta and beyond. We must come together to eradicate this evil of homelessness and restore those who are in desperate need. Together we can do Greater Works!
- Goal Progress – $100

The Moon Family
Goal: $1,000.00
Testimony: We have been a member of CTRM from it’s very humble beginnings. What’s most important to us about CTRM is that it goes BEYOND feeding the homeless to truly RESTORING them! Thank you in advance for your donations that will help move individuals from homelessness to RESTORED!! NO amount is too small, every donation helps! God keep and bless you is our prayer. We love you ALL!
- Goal Progress –

The Nicodemus Outreach Ministry - Evangelist Phyllis Morrow
Goal: $500
Testimony: YES, Miss NACA The one who helped many in Georgia and across the nation keep their homes, lost her home. My Son “KP” Kelvin Perryman and I were homeless. My son was in between jobs. When my son and I fell short of his rent at the hotel he was staying in, Min. Anneta Price-Parris of Christ The Restorer Ministry came and paid my son’s hotel stay to keep us afloat and off the streets. Now to God Be The Glory, my son and I own a two-story condominium in Stonecrest. My son has the 2nd floor with his own studio for Gospel Rap. I’m pledging $500 to Christ the Restorer Ministry who is Faithful to its Mission to restore the Homeless.
- Goal Progress –